Here are the AccountingCoach suggestions for studying for an accounting final exam (or other introductory financial accounting exams).
Try our free Quizzes
Work our free accounting Quizzes for the topics covered in your course. This will help you identify the areas in which you need to improve. It is important that you understand why you answered a question incorrectly, and why another answer was the best answer.
Review our Cheat Sheets
We created a meaningful cheat sheet for each of 26 accounting topics that can be accessed by PRO members. Here is a listing of the cheat sheets that are available for you to review: List of Cheat Sheets.
Take our Quick Tests
Our PRO members can access 57 Quick Tests containing more than 1,600 practice questions with answers. Work the tests that are appropriate for your course. Test questions are a great way to retain what you have learned and to identify the areas in which you need to improve. Again, it is important to understand why you answered a question incorrectly, and why another answer was the best answer.
Search our Website
For the areas that you need to improve, I suggest that you enter a term or question into the search box located at the top of any page of AccountingCoach. The search results will provide the info you need.
Take time to read our Explanations
Read/review any of our 30+ Explanations. Many of the 2,000+ reviews/testimonials we received from users state that our Explanations provided the clarity they craved. They appreciated finally learning the underlying reasons for various accounting procedures.
Understand WHY
Many students have told me they studied long hours and felt they knew the material, yet they failed the exam. I then repeat what I stated above: Understand The Why behind the exam questions.
Meet with Your Instructor
If you are unable obtain a deep understanding, see your instructor for additional help. In the process, you may be helping your instructor become more empathetic and in the process help future students as well.