To see each answer, press or click on the blue "Unscramble" button. If you have difficulty answering the following questions, learn more about this topic by reading our Financial Statements (Explanation).
1. The _______ sheet will report the total amount of a corporation's retained earnings.
BALANCE EACNBAL2. The financial statement that reports the liabilities is sometimes known as the statement of financial ____________.
POSITION ITIOSNPO4. The amount of working __________ can be calculated quickly from a classified balance sheet.
CAPITAL ACTPLAI9. The financial statement that reports the change in cash and cash equivalents is the statement of cash ________.
FLOWS OFLSW10. Other comprehensive income is reported in the statement of stockholders' ________.
EQUITY TEYQUI11. The heading of the statement of cash flows discloses the _________ of time covered.
PERIOD ORPIDE12. The income statement is often referred to as the ________ and loss statement.
PROFIT IFPORT14. Financial statements are best prepared under the __________ basis of accounting.
ACCRUAL LRAAUCC15. Paid-in capital is one section of ________________' equity.
STOCKHOLDERS KECSTOLRHSOD16. The amounts to calculate the debt to equity ratio are found on the ________ sheet.
BALANCE ECALNAB17. The current period's net income is part of the corporation's ___________ earnings reported on the balance sheet.
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