To see each answer, press or click on the blue "Unscramble" button. If you have difficulty answering the following questions, learn more about this topic by reading our Bank Reconciliation (Explanation).
2. Deposits made but not yet appearing on the bank statement are deposits in __________.
TRANSIT RANSITT3. A common deduction on the bank statement is the bank _________ charge.
SERVICE CRVEESI4. A customer's check that was returned NSF is sometimes referred to as a check that ____________.
BOUNCED CNUEBDO6. A check that has been paid and therefore appears on the bank statement is said to have _________ the bank.
CLEARED ARDELEC7. Items on the bank statement that are not yet on the company's books will need to be ___________ on the books.
RECORDED CODERRED8. A customer's check that was returned NSF will likely be debited to _____________ Receivable.
ACCOUNTS NTCSCOUA9. The dollar amount of checks written but not yet clearing the bank is referred to as _________.
FLOAT OLTAF10. The adjusted balance per bank statement should agree with the adjusted balance per _________.
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